In a hurry? Use our Quick Quote Generator.
Provide us with all your project details and our expert team will provide you with the best options and associated costs. It couldn’t be easier to get the exact product at the best price.

We’ve all been there. On the eve of an important family get-together, romantic anniversary or other social occasion, we suddenly find ourselves caught short with regard to preparations for the big day. In our personal lives, such a situation can be difficult enough to deal with, but in the world of business, it can mean the difference between closing a sale, attracting a plethora of new clients and taking things to the next level – or falling at the first hurdle and failing miserably.
It’s the 11th hour before a big business conference at which you plan to raise your company’s profile, launch a new product, expand your client database or enhance your network of business connections. You’re all set to take your industry by storm… until a supplier lets you down at the last minute and all of a sudden, you have no promotional merchandise with which to woo potential customers and mark your company out from the competition. Attending a trade show, business conference or other commercial event without any freebies or giveaways is blowing a golden opportunity to get your name out there – not to mention throwing money away on appearing at the occasion underprepared.
If so, don’t worry, all is not lost. Garment Printing have amassed over ten years of experience in fine-tuning our production and delivery methods, meaning we can offer a 24-hour dispatch guarantee that’s unparalleled amongst our competition. We understand that the pressures of modern life can mean certain things are often left to the last minute. We’re also well aware that some companies out there are all too happy to promise the moon and more in order to secure your custom, but then fail to deliver when you need them the most. We never offer anything that we’re not 100% sure we can deliver, so when you purchase express delivery from us, you know your items will arrive on time, every time.
As soon as you realise that your original supplier has fallen through, or become aware that you’re suffering from a shortfall in branded materials, get in touch with us immediately. You can either give us a call on 0207 101 9315 or fill out our quick quote form online and we’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as we possibly can, which is normally within 15 minutes during business hours. Once you’ve outlined your needs and informed us of the urgency of the situation, we’ll promote your order straight to the front of the queue. Our designers will get right to work assembling a preview of the finished product, which will be sent back to you for approval so that we can get started on the production side of things.
As soon as you give the green light on our visual mock-up, we’ll locate the production management team that is closest to you geographically. Having contacted that team in advance, they’ll be waiting for your order and all other work will be put on ice. We’ll send over all of the relevant specifications and artwork files so that they can create the merchandise exactly to your liking, then ship it out before the day’s end. Using our highly efficient courier system, the order will be with you the following day or perhaps even sooner. What could be simpler? From stress city to easy street – and it all begins with a simple phone call or a few clicks of your mouse.
“At Garment Printing we excel at express orders. We realise that things can be left until the last minute, or other printers promise to deliver in a certain time frame, but then let their clients down at the last minute. We come across this on a daily basis,” explains Mark Speakman, our Express Team Manager. “We have a specialised express team to deal with your same day orders, and will never let you down. We pride ourselves on delivering your printed merchandise within hours of the order being placed. Unlike others, we do not promise what we cannot deliver.”
If you’re looking a reliable promotional merchandising company who won’t let you down and can provide an exemplary service at a moment’s notice, look no further. Our 24-hour dispatch package has been specifically designed to help those in urgent need, but the sooner we receive your initial query, the sooner we can put the wheels in motion. What are you waiting for? Get in touch right away!
Provide us with all your project details and our expert team will provide you with the best options and associated costs. It couldn’t be easier to get the exact product at the best price.